TUBA CITY, Ariz. —In a concerted effort to understand and address the public health needs of the Tuba City service area, the 2024 Community Health Assessment and Needs Survey (CHA) has been completed, which yields significant data that will shape future health initiatives and programs. Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) publishes the CHA every three years, utilizing data on Service Area residents from a variety of sources. The last CHA was published in 2021.
The assessment provides comprehensive data on the health status, needs, and priorities of the Navajo, Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute communities within the Tuba City Service Area. It also serves as a foundation for developing the Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIP). The assessment provides population health data that allows each Chapter community to develop its own improvement plan.
Annie Edleman, Public Health Director; Dr. Jamie Wilson, Epidemiologist/Evaluator; and Stacy Claw, Health Communications Specialist, led the team in developing the CHA. Edleman emphasized the importance of grassroots involvement in the survey design. “We met with people at the grassroots level to get their input and feedback on survey questions and what data from other sources they wanted to see. It was important to include data that community members and leaders wanted to know about.” said Edleman. The survey reached people in various settings, including stores, chapters, flea markets, and laundromats, aiming for a good representation of the community. All participants were 18 years old or older. The survey, which was finalized in February and rolled out to the community from late February through the first week of May, gathered 1,150 responses—representing roughly 5% of the adult population of each of the nine chapters and Moencopi.

- 53% of adults were obese compared to about 34% nationally.
- Childhood obesity among ages 2-18 increased from 33% in 2021 to 36% in 2023. At the same time, obesity among children attending Service Area schools increased from 31% in 2019 to 37% in 2022. The childhood obesity rate is 1.6x the national rate.
- There were no significant changes in diabetes rates among adults and children living in the Tuba City Service Area between 2021 to 2023. However, the adult diabetes rate is 2x the national average and the pediatric rate is also significantly higher than the national average.
- Alcohol was the most common substance used for ED visits and inpatient admissions related to substance use (82%) from 2021-2023, followed by methamphetamine at 12%. While opioid use was only 3.1% of substance use-related ED and inpatient visits, naloxone was ordered for 74 ED visits from 2021 to 2023, indicating suspected opioid overdose.
- Between 2022 and 2023, there was a 25% increase in new syphilis cases in Tuba City Service Area residents. In 2022, the local rate of primary & secondary syphilis was 5x the national rate. There were nine confirmed congenital syphilis cases (syphilis passed from mom to baby in the womb) at TCRHCC from 2021 to 2023.
- From 2019-2023, there were 34 documented suicide attempts among youth and 192 among those 18 and older. No data on completed suicides was available.
To download the publication:
To get a printed copy or request a presentation, contact the TCRHCC Public Health Department at 928-283-2792