Bringing Awareness to National Suicide Prevention Week
The Native Connections and Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program (TIPCAP) staff would like to extend an invitation to your department to participate in our upcoming Health, Wellness, and Resource Fair in recognition of 2024 National Suicide Prevention Week on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at TCRHCC Courtyard from 9:00 AM (DST) to 1:00 pm (DST). National Suicide Prevention Week is recognized during the week of September 9th to 13th, 2024, and this year’s theme is: “Change the Narrative on Suicide”.
The purpose of the Resource and Health Fair is to bring suicide prevention awareness to all our patients coming into our hospital. Native Connections along with TIPCAP staff would like you to join us and share your valuable knowledge and information about health issues and resources for our community.
For booth registration, please contact Native Connections with your program name and contact information call phone: (928) 283-2501 extension 43087; or email our Program Assistant at [email protected].
Mitze Lee, Program Director
Native Connections Program