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Interpreter Services

On-site Interpreter Services - Navajo

TCRHCC provides specialized Navajo health care interpreting services offered by certified interpreters. Although there are a number of employees who are fluent (conversational) Navajo speakers, this specialized service is provided by employees whose job responsibilities require direct patient care services and training specific to their specialty. Generally, interpreters are on the premises during clinic business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In areas of the hospital and Emergency Department, services vary depending on assigned schedules.

Ambulatory care and Ancillary care setting:

Inpatient setting:

Navajo health care interpreters translate activities associated with a patient’s medical visit, medical documents, and information including: consent forms, treatment protocols, patient information, medical letters, diagnostic studies and other documents used by health professionals. The time for translation depends on the complexity of the diagnosis, the treatment plan, and medication(s). Requests for assistance from an interpreter who works in another department/clinic must be directed to their immediate supervisor.


Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation

Phone: 866-976-5941