To know that your physician will have up-to-date medical information on which to base your care
To be informed of your health status including diagnosis and prognosis
To pain assessment and management
To give or withhold informed consent, for medical treatment
To give or withhold consent to produce or use recordings, films, or other images of you for purposes other than your care and the right to request cessation of the production of the recordings, films, or other images
To be treated in a manner consistent with the nature of your illness
To receive reasonable continuity of care
To know who is treating you, and their professional status
To participate in decisions about your care, treatment, and services
To designate someone to make decisions about your care if you cannot make decisions about your care, treatment, and services
To be told of the outcomes of care, including unanticipated outcomes of treatment and service
To confidentiality, privacy, and security
To accept or decline involvement of students, and residents while receiving care
Designate a support person as well as visitors of your choosing if you have decision-making capacity, whether or not the visitor is related by blood, marriage, or registered domestic partner status unless: no visitors are allowed, the facility reasonably determines that the presence of a particular visitor would endanger the health or safety of a patient, member of the health facility staff or other visitor to the health facility, would significantly disrupt the operations of the facility or have told the health facility staff that you no longer want a particular person to visit
To have your family or representative and your own physicians notified of your admission to the hospital
To identify persons to whom you do not want information about your care or treatment to be provided
To access, request amendment to, and receive an accounting of disclosures regarding your health information within a reasonable time frame
To have your cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, and personal values, beliefs, and preferences respected
To pastoral and other spiritual services To have access to an interpreter if you are non-English speaking
To respect your wishes about end-of-life decisions, and to review and revise your advance directive
To an environment that preserves your dignity and contributes to a positive self image
To be free from mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation
To access protective and advocacy services as needed
To know that if you participate in a research project, that your rights during research, investigation, and clinical trials involving human subjects will be respected
To obtain information and understanding about your care and treatment
To accept or refuse care, treatment, and services in accordance with law and regulation
To voice a concern to management. Your complaint will not affect future health care at TCRHCC
To be free from any form restraints that are not medically necessary
As a patient of TCRHCC you have the right to:
To keep your appointments
To be considerate of other patients and TCRHCC staff
To follow instructions given to you about self-care and medications
To ask questions when you are unsure about what you have been told or what you are expected to do
To give complete and accurate information about your present health concern, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters related to your health
To take responsibility for self-management activities related to your healthcare needs and accepting the consequences of those decisions
To meet financial commitments for services provided that are not covered by your insurance or Contract Health Services