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Public Health


To provide evidence-based, culturally sensitive public health programs that address emerging needs to improve the community’s health.


COVID-19 Response, Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI) Control

Public Health Clinic

Health care that’s easy!

Simply walk in and speak with a provider. No appointment needed.

Walk-in Hours
Monday – Friday (MST)
8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
12:23 PM – 4:00 PM

Public Health Dashboard

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the Navajo Nation and the Tuba City Service Unit area, TCRHCC is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to the communities we serve, as well as sharing important and accurate information you can trust as this pandemic evolves.

We are providing this COVID-19 Dashboard so that you can monitor our latest data available from the TCRHCC of all those tested from within and outside our Tuba City Service Unit area.